




The brands of the waters of the world are mainly drawn from material published in internet and from various lists of collectors of labels.
In to systematize such information, I have brought in good faith the whole news that I have picked up, often without being able to verify her, for which it is possible that some brands of waters would be able not to be in commerce anymore, you are never been commercialized or even to result nonexistent.
Besides considered the massive structure of the data, it is inevitable that has committed some errors of transcript, as also the indication of the same water with different nomenclatures slightly.
In conclusion they are considered these solo lists indicative title without having the pretension to be complete and surely reliable, even if I work for this.

The images of the labels and the analytical data brought on them exclusively originate from the labels of my collection.

If you hold him opportune, you can transmit me indications, suggestions, material etc.


